Presstime printed our shirts, and hoodies and embroidered beanies for us.
I try to make the merch side of the band as creative as the music itself, for me its another outlet and form of expression. I want to have fun gnarly shirts to go with our fun gnarly tunes!
I think knowing that we have lots of different folks who like our band, we've always tried to have a broad range of designs to reflect all of those people. So harsh metal designs, fun punk shirts, a dog smoking a bong, something for everyone haha!
Don't be in such a rush. Take the time to practice and make sure the art you're putting out is at the level that you want people to see it.
Don't just follow other peoples style when it come to the music or art that you're making, try and fill the void that you think is missing, that no one is doing. That will actually stand out and be a lot more interesting.
We got a bunch of fun tours coming up BAT SABBATH hitting the west coast of Canada in AUGUST and SEPTEMBER with BLACK MASTIFF its gonna be a RIPPER!